(06) Using satellite data to understand climate change

Workshop presented by: RightsTech Women

Languages: French and English

Part 1: Increasing the number of women in MINT careers: representatives from RightsTech Women and CERN Women in Technology will talk about the need to attract more girls and women into MINT, career prospects and their experience of working at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.

Part 2: Technical coaches from the CERN Micro Club and CERN Women in Technology will explain to the girls how they can use images of the Earth taken from space to understand climate change locally and around the world.
We introduce girls to satellite imagery and the process of working with such data to investigate their own questions.
We introduce the girls to Google Earth Engine, an open platform that can be used to visualise and understand climate trends such as deforestation, temperature change and extreme events.

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Workshop led by: Ms. Ellen Walker (Founder of RightsTech Women)