Discovery fair 2024

The list below contains the stands that we propose in 2024.

All participants will be automatically registered to one session in the discovery fair.


(01) UNIGE - Physiscope | Physiscope

The Physiscope is a fun way to discover physics, with static electricity to electrify you, and superconductors and liquid nitrogen to levitate you.


(02) HEPIA presents its 9 Bachelor's courses and invites you to discover an animation illustrating an innovative and exciting project taking place at our university. Don't hesitate to come and see us and ask us all your questions! Photo: ©HEPIA_Violaine Martin



(03) EPFL | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

A liquid that changes colour by itself, plates that vibrate to form patterns, lights that mix? These are just some of the physics and chemistry demonstrations you can see on the EPFL stand! You can also programme a robot and talk to students about their careers at EPFL.




(04) EPFL - Space Innovation | Visit the ISS, the International Space Station

Visit the ISS, the International Space Station, using our virtual reality headset!
Use your computer to explore the ISS facilities and move around the cabin to find objects used by astronauts during their stay in space.



(05) STMicroelectronics | Semiconductors and wafer integrated circuits

An engineer will explain how chips are made and what they are used for.




 (06) CPFT | Make your own games by building a digital dice

On the stand, we'll have flyers and documentation. There will also be a small activity involving the finalisation of an electronic assembly, perhaps with some programming.



(07) Objectif Sciences International | Panthera: detection and monitoring of wildlife using camera traps

Come and take part in participatory research to study the ecology and conservation of the snow leopard in Kyrgyzstan. You will discover how new Artificial Intelligence technologies such as Deep Learning and artificial neural networks work.


(08) Zero Waste Genève | Become an archaeologist at the Temple of Hidden Waste!

Nous te proposons de devenir archéologue le temps d’une journée pour nous aider à enquêter sur les déchêts cachés de nos modes de vie !
Menez une enquête scientifique passionnante :fouillez un site archéologique reconstitué, identifiez le vrai coût et les ressources naturelles nécessaires pour fabriquer ces objets, ainsi que les alternatives faciles à adopter pour vivre de façon plus durable. Apprenez comment la science peut nous aider à comprendre et à lutter contre la surconsommation des ressources naturelles.


(09) Skyguide | Become an air traffic controller

Images and films explaining the job of air traffic controller. Air traffic control games and simulator.




(10) Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de Genève |  The CJBG collections under the microscope

Discover the wide range of organisms conserved in the CJBG collections by observing them under the microscope.



(11) French national education system | Ada, Maryam, Lise and all the others

 ‘Can you name a woman scientist?
- Marie Curie!
- Another one?
- ...’
This board game puts the spotlight on women who have advanced the sciences.
Whether they were born in Germany, Canada or China, or did research in mathematics, computing or physics, whether they were born in ancient times, in the 18th century or more recently, their discoveries deserve to be known. Through the portraits of some of them, you will meet some exceptional women.


(12) Addictlab SDGzine |Coding

Creation of a video game on the stand.




(13) CERN

Explore the fascinating world of elementary particles and the fundamental forces that govern our world. Through interactive demonstrations and accessible explanations, participants will discover how CERN uses particle accelerators to explore the mysteries of the universe. Come and meet our scientists and engineers, who will introduce you to key concepts such as the Higgs boson and particle detectors, while offering a glimpse of life at the world's largest particle physics laboratory.



(14) University Centre for Informatics | Interacting with the humanoid robot Nadine

The humanoid robot Nadine can converse in several languages on any subject you wish. She will answer all your questions thanks to a new artificial intelligence platform developed at the University of Geneva. Nadine was founded in Singapore. In Asia, she worked with an old people's home, answering residents' questions, playing them their favourite music or playing bingo with them.
Nadine also did an internship with the AIA insurance company in Singapore, where she answered customers' questions about their accounts.


(15) Coty | Challenging volatility in fragrances

Come and discover this olfactory activity, which shows how we can play on the volatility of certain ingredients in perfumes to prolong their staying power.

In this workshop, participants will discover the basics of olfaction and the composition of a perfume, the different olfactory families and how to re-compose a perfume from several options that we will propose to them.