Science and technology events and activities for young girls

Expanding Your Horizons Geneva is a non-profit association dedicated to providing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) experiences for young girls.

Monthly Science Activities

Approximately 10 times per year we offer science activities or visits in the Geneva area. These activities usually take place on Wednesday afternoons and are open to girls between 10 and 18. For some activities, the age range may be restricted depending on the subject.

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More information about the monthly activities

EYH Biennial Event

The next EYH Biennial Science Event will be held on in November 2026. Lots of inspiring workshops and a science discovery fair!

Organised for girls aged 11 to 14, or 8P and CO (or equivalent) living in Geneva and the surrounding area, ETH's 8th science event is completely free! We're welcoming 400 girls to take part in a selection of 24 workshops and 15 stands. The event is packed with experiments to show that science and technology can be fun and interesting for girls!

ETH's science event combines fun and hands-on experience. Workshops are in French and English, led by professional women in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology.

More information about the EYH Biennial Science Event


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Expanding your Horizons Geneva - Biennial Event 2024

Discover the videos, media reports and photos from previous years under media !