For girls aged 11 to 14

Offer a membership to EYH!
Priority registration for ALL ETH science activities and many other benefits

Science and technology activities every month

Our mission is to encourage young women to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. Through Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Network programs, we provide STEM role models and hands-on activities for middle and high school girls. Our ultimate goal is to motivate girls to become innovative and creative thinkers ready to meet 21st Century challenges.

The Network's programs are developed based on the following assumptions:
In order to increase the participation of women in mathematics, science, and engineering careers, there must be an increase in the pool of qualified women.
In order for young women to have the option to enter mathematics, science, and engineering careers, they need to choose to take the appropriate mathematics and science courses in high school.
Intervention strategies are needed that increase the participation of girls in mathematics by nurturing enjoyment and confidence in mathematics, by connecting the value of mathematics to career opportunities, by providing career role models, and by actively encouraging girls to persevere in mathematics coursework.

All activities and experiences are conducted under the surveillance of professionals.
Some experiences however require the use of electricity, liquid nitrogen or chemicals and there are therefore potential risks such as electrical shocks or burns.
We do request that a parent signs a disclaimer to allow their daughter(s) to participate.

EU research has shown that women made up only 29% of those employed as scientists and engineers in 2004, and the growth rate in their participation between 1998 and 2004 was lower than that of men. In Switzerland, less than 5% of mechanical engineers are women and only about 15% of women are in IT fields.
For girls to be prepared for the 21st century, we must address this early, when they are deciding on what subjects to study in school.

If you can no longer attend the conference after having registered, please let us know by sending us an email. 

Each EYH conference features active participation workshops which cover maths, science and engineering activities led by women mathematicians, scientists and engineers. During the workshops, young women learn that studying math and science can be fun! They participate in interesting experiments, discover new career options and learn about the importance of studying math and science as much as possible in school.
By using local volunteers to lead workshops, girls meet with mathematicians, engineers and scientists who live and work in their own communities, who serve as role models at the conference, and who may serve as possible mentors in the future.
Additionally a career fair will give everyone an opportunity to speak with woman applying their passion for the sciences in their careers.